Selected TV, Radio, and Newspaper Interviews

2018   “Lesley University Professor Karen Frostig wins Award," Cambridge Chronicle & 
             Tab.  27 February 2018.


2016    Burnstein, M. ”Area prof’s Vienna Project promotes Holocaust remembrance,” The Jewish Advocate, 4 November 2016. From http://

The Vienna Project (2015). “Jewish Perspective.” Channel 7/ NBC WHDH. Interviewer: Rabbi Ronne Friedman, Chief Rabbi at Temple Israel
Boston. 10 May 2015.

Pinkerton, D. (Ed.) (2015). “Goodbye, Vienna Project: Yearlong commemorative project ends with spectacular projection.” Austrian Studies
Newsmagazine, 27,  22-23. 

Goldberg, T. ( 2014). “The Vienna Project Shaped by Local Artist’s Vision,” TheJewish Journal, MA, 6 November 2014.

2014    “85.000 Namen erinnern an das Erinnern: The Vienna Project - das einjährige Gedenkprojekt endete mit spektakulärem Mahnmal
auf den Fassaden der Wiener Hofburg.” Österreich Journal, Nr. 136, 6. November 2014, 75. From: 

Bencks, J. (2014). Vienna Project honors Austrian Holocaust victims. BrandeisNow, 16 August 2014.

The Vienna Project.(2014). ORF Radio Interviews: with Kerstin Tretina. Broadcast 16. October 2014. and

The Vienna Project. (2013). ORF Television Interviews: Sunday Matinee Oct. 20th, Prime Time Sunday eve. Oct. 27th, and radio interview by mag.a barbara köppel,

Multi-faceted memorial. (2013). The Justice, Brandeis University, Reporter: Elior Moskowitz. Waltham, MA

Frey, E. (2013). "Vienna Project: Gedenkaktion als persönliche Identitätssuche.” Der Standard. Kopf der Tages. 24. October 2013. 

Davidson, S.  (2013). “Scholar’s research spawns international remembrance effort Karen Frostig’s return to her roots results in the genesis
of The Vienna Project”, The Jewish Advocate, 3 May 2013. From

Dodson, D. (2012).“The Business of International Art Projects.” Global Business Hub. Boston Globe.30 March